Dear Mr. Royal Hampton....

..:: I fail at being cool ::..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not to toot my own horn but... I'm awesome.

Welcome kids. So for lack of something to write about at the moment and just the sheer "vaingloriousness" (well butter my butt if that isn't a $5.00 word!) of it all I figured I'd start my blog off where most bloggers do... Talking about themselves. Now, as I sat here wondering what in the H I should say, I realized just how much of an idiosyncratic little nerd I really am... Rather then sit here and write myself into literal perfection, I am going to list down all of the things about me that make me.... "The Klumsy Nerd"

- My grandmother's nickname for me is Onang.... That in itself qualifies me for fobtastic status.

- I love saying "pwn'd."

-... I actually know what it means.

- I play forum based RPG games.

- My proudest RPG moment thus far is being a power player at Koalingo! *High Five*

- I smoke entirely too much.

- I am constantly falling, tripping, rolling, and sliding all over the place.

- ... and it's usually because I've tripped over my own feet.

- I listened to Hanson as a preteen

- ...I still have some of their songs on my computer

- I used to be afraid of being too smart

- Now, smart people intimidate the fuck out of me.

- One of my past times were to talk binary code to friends online...

- 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101....

- ^ Translation: See how much of a nerd I am

- but yet I suck at math.

- When I was learning binary code, I got laughed at for saying "2" ..... *sigh* I fail.

- I've always wanted to be in a musical

- I sound like I'm killing a cat when I sing

- I wanted to play the guitar and envisioned myself as a young, filipina Joan Jett

- I fail at that too. hehe.

- The worst thing you could do to me is steal my cigarettes. Then we couldn't be friends anymore.

- I'm 26 years old

- Around my good friends I act like I'm 6 years old

- I want to collect all the teenyboppers in the world and throw them in a vat of their own lipgloss

- And yet, I was one back in the day...

- Which was about 10 years ago....

- Science dammit that makes me feel old.... moving on.

- I'm extremely afraid of standing in front of crowds (giving speeches, acting in drama class, etc.) I literally feel the urge to puke, piss, and shit myself.... all at once. Good times!

- If I could be a successful author, I'd die a happy person.

- Writing is my love.

- Last but not least; I am awesome.


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